Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are filed on your computer and saved by your browser. Cookies enable us to adapt our products and services on the internet to your needs in the best way possible. We use session cookies in many places. These are automatically deleted at the end of your visit and serve to make our product and service offering more personalized, more efficient and more secure.

Our cookies are protected from being read by third parties with the help of your browser's security standards. In addition, data is collected on this website for the purpose of permission marketing message, content production and optimization by using a pseudonym with the help of persistent cookies. This data helps us define specific needs for each customer group.

The data is not used to personally identify the user of this web page and is not combined with the data about the bearer of the pseudonym. After adding a product to your shopping cart, when you log out of and log in to the site again, you can find the products in the shopping basket thanks to persistent cookies. If you do not log out with the username and password information after visiting our site, the user name and basket information will be saved as a permanent cookie. If the browser is used with others, it is recommended to log out after visiting Persistent cookies are used for the keep-in-session feature in smartphone and tablet applications. This service allows ordering without re-logging in with the username and password information for 30 days.

Information about this service is given on each user login page. This service is available when the leave signed in option is checked on the user login page. This feature will expire after 30 days of inactivity or logging out within this period. When this service is not wanted to be used, the leave logon option on the user login page should be removed. The help function found in the menu bar of most web browsers gives you information on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have your browser notify you when a new cookie is received, or how to disable all cookies received.

Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses.